Sunday, May 11, 2014

Proud to be EV... Week of May 4-10, 2014

The FFA Banquet took place Sunday night. Mrs. Flander and her group did an excellent job of putting this event together. I want to thank the FFA for the Honorary Chapter FFA Degree.

On Monday, Kristin Simon came to give a "Beyond the Bin" assembly to 7-12th grade students. Each period a different grade listened to Ms. Simon talk about the importance of recycling. I want to thank Bonnie Romine for writing a PINE (Pride in North English) grant in order for Ms. Simon to be able to do this. I would also like to thank Carolyn Elwood for her assistance in making this happen.

On Wednesday it was a 1:00 p.m. dismissal for professional development.

The End of the Year Music Concert for the junior/senior high school was held Thursday night. Mrs. Wade and Mr. Dusdieker and their students were absolutely amazing. I am so proud of our music program here at English Valleys.

On Friday I had a lot of fun in Mr. Caster's class taking part as a judge in their "Shark Tank" competition (based on the tv show). Ms. Bruns, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Caster and I were the judges. We listened to Allison Hewitt and Mikala Yoss each give a sales pitch on their products. They both did a wonderful job.

The Spirit Assembly was hosted by Mrs. Brun's Advisory group. They held a peanut butter and jelly sandwich making competition. They also had a fun game of "Simon Says".

This was the seniors last Spirit Assembly (there were a few missing)...

What a great group of kids- next week will be a hard week knowing that it is their last...

On Saturday morning, I had the pleasure of speaking at the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. Mrs. Colbert and the NHS students did a wonderful job putting this together. I am very proud of their accomplishments. What an honor for these students~

May 5-9 was Teacher Appreciation Week. The newly formed High School PTO did a wonderful job putting together gifts for the staff. They also provided snacks throughout the week. I cannot thank my teachers and support staff enough for all of the hard work that they do for the district.

Go EV Bears!

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