Still going strong at EV~ We are seven weeks into the school year, and students are settling into their routines.
"Pink Out"
nights are coming to EV! October 11 will be the football night and
October17 will be the volleyball night. Please come out and help us
support the efforts of Marengo Hospital and the Hope Foundation~
month, the Iowa Hall of Pride will be holding three different sessions
in our gymnasium with every student involved in one of the sessions.
These sessions will focus on leadership. Every student is capable of
being a leader and as educators we want to equip students with the
knowledge needed to be successful leaders.
junior/senior high school students will attend an assembly on October 29
in which the reigning Miss Iowa, Nicole Kelly will speak about "The
Power of One". We are honored to have her as a guest in our building.
Friday, the spirit assembly was hosted by Carrie Burdick's advisory
group. They chose to have a contest that involved throwing on
costume-type clothes over regular clothes, topping it off the attire
with a hat and racing to shoot a basket relay. It was rather interesting
to watch!
I am still in awe of the students and staff who continue to show pride
in our district. It isn't just about wearing our colors or attire (which
is always a joy to see), it is about feeling a sense of pride in having
those not associated with our district knowing that we are proud of who
we are and what we represent.
Go EV Bears!
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