Sunday, March 30, 2014

Proud to be EV... Week of March 16-22, 2014

On Monday, the SIAC met to discuss various topics. Several changes to the high school course description guide were discussed. I will write about these once they are approved.

On Wednesday, there was a 1:00 dismissal for professional development. The high school teachers looked at data on the iPad usage in the building. They discussed a possibility of changes at the high school next year concerning gpa.

On Friday we held our quarterly Achievement Assembly. It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful our students at English Valleys are. Here is a list of the awards that were presented:

3rd Quarter Honor Roll

English Valleys Junior/Senior High School


B Honor Roll- 7-12th grades

7th- Gabrielle Ayers, Derek Dulaney, Leah Shannahan, Kameryn Tippie

8th- Margaret Anthony, Payton Gerard, Audrey Grove, Tori Harper, Autumn Higdon, Lyla Klett, Mileah Miller, Jaden Pfannebecker, Mykayla Russell, Chloe Tapken

9th- Gabriel Anthony, Adrienna Ealy, Michelle Ealy, Nathan Jackson, Jasmine Lawson, Katherine Miller, Clayton Morrison, Wyatt Olson, Holley Stewart, William Tapken, Emyle Thompson, Emily Westhoff

10th- Connor Armstrong, Dorothy Cook, Grayson Cox, Matalynn Dillon, Christopher Dulaney, Ross Fawcett, Dakota Gesling, Molly Irmen, Leah Kerr, Lexie Moore, Matt Polton, Anna Townsend

11th- Darian Blaylock, Audrey Fisher, Brennen Grimm, Adam Grove, Taylor Harriman, Luke Jackson, Adam Kerkove, Marissa Lang, Anna Ross, Sydnie Stephenson, Abby Westhoff

12th- Kyle Allie, Amanda Fisher, Trevor Frazier, Amelia Koehn, Brianna Morrow, Jessica Polton, Jessica Riegel, Dillon Sanders, Allison Voss, Zoey Wiseman

A Honor Roll- 7-12th grades

7th- Maleah Ackerman, Cooper Andreassen, Loni Anthony, Jessi Armstrong, Ella Coffman, John Fisher, Jacob Glandon, Lance Gott, Katryna Jeannette, Isabel Schneider, Maddeline Shaw, Lexi Stanerson

8th- Christina Berrier, Kathryn Clabaugh, Keely Driscoll, Mallory Hester, Lexie Miller, Sydney Olson, Maria Van Dee

9th- Zach Axmear, Alexis Berstler, Matthew Burlage, Grace Conrad, Kristen Cox, Alexa Grimm, Madelyne Jordan, Jeffery Montgomery

10th- Grace Andreassen, Anne Axmear, Casey Blaylock, Kate Duello, Aaron Gent, Kellan Horras-Coppinger, Andrew Kerkove, Claire Kingland, Kaitlynn Kinzler, Rebecca Phillips, Mackenzie Russell, Brandon Zimmerman

11th- Luke Ackerman, Davis Axmear, Tanner Icenbice, Lauren Miller, Morgan Russell, Samuel Schauer, William Townsend

12th- Paige Hester, Brian Nachtman, Dakota Olson, Madison Parmenter, Shannon Steffen, Sadie Westfall, Mikala Yoss, Bobur Yuldashov

Straight A honor roll

7th- Isabella Fisher, Jacob Jackson, Alyson Warwick

8th- Charles Axmear

9th- Jacquelyn Barney, Morgan Bruns, Mary Cheney, Jacob Glandon

10th- Taylor Gerard

11th- Rylee Voss

12th- Samantha Banes, Emma Hester, Allison Hewett, Jack Lawrence, Tempest Montgomery

“Golden Grizzly” Awards (JH):

Math- Lyla Klett

Science- Jacob Glandon

Social Studies- Maddeline Shaw

English- Kelly Hanna

“Golden Grizzly” Awards (HS)

Math- Rebecca Phillips

Science- Samuel Schauer

Social Studies-  Davis Axmear

English- Audrey Fisher

CTE-Industrial Arts- Trevor Frazier

CTE- Business- Jessica Polton

CTE- FCS- Zoey Ray

CTE- Agriculture- Matt Polton

Art- Emma Hester

Music- Bobur Yuldashov

Spanish- Mikala Yoss

On Friday and Saturday, the drama department held their production Alice in Wonderland. The performance was absolutely wonderful! I am so proud of the drama department and the time and dedication it took to present such a wonderful performance.

 Here is a copy of the program:

Go EV Bears!

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